Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Update- January 23, 2013

January 23, 2013
Almost a week post BMT!  I am suppose to: walk in the halls 3 X per day
                                             Get out of bed and sit in a lounger 3 X per day
                                             Work out on a standing bike
                                             Breathe 10 breaths 4 X per day
                                             Brush teeth 2 X per day and use a mouth rinse every 3 hours as needed.

So you can see that I am very busy!  My cell counts are hitting rock bottom and I will probably need a platelet transfusion here in about 4 days.  This is where this whole thing makes me a little crazy as I just spent 4 weeks of December trying my hardest to get these counts up. So now we want the counts down so Shawn's cells can take over my immune system. Always a bump or glitch to look forward to!  The nurse just told me I will probably be getting sores all over inside my mouth from the Chemo and Methlotrxate I'm getting constantly. I will be working very hard to stop these sores, as alot of patience have to have a feeding tube as it gets so difficult to eat.
     Thanks to all of your prayers, fasting, cards, and verbal well-wishes in this lonnnnnnng process.  I find it still very hard to wrap my brain around the fact that maybe someday I'll be strong and moving toward my goals.  I love my children so very much, in all their service, sacrifices, care and worries, and most of all the love they've shown me over these last few months! (not to mention the years of this horrible debilitating disease!)  My family and friends have helped me in so many ways.  Thank you all, I love you very much.
(wish I had a picture to share, but that's the next help on the computer I need!)


  1. Thanks for the update Gloria! You are certainly one busy woman and I know you are being diligent about all the specific activities you need to do. If I could sing to you I would sing Carry On, Carry On, Carry On!!! You'll have to sing it to yourself . . . and it will sound better anyway. hahaha You know I'm there in spirit and my thoughts and prayers continue for you daily. You WILL be stronger and checking off those goals in due time. Hang in there!
    Love you my friend,

  2. So happy to hear from you! Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and we are wishing you a speedy recovery!

  3. You looked so good today Sis! I am glad you are kicking this! keep it up, you can do it!!!
